
Meet Florence

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Know Florence

Florence Igboayaka is the founder of Fortunes Dynamics Ltd and Fortunes Dynamics Foundation Nigeria. She is also the Founder of Tricia Sanitary Products UK. She is passionate about business structure as it is the fundamental bedrock of a successful and scalable business. Before starting her business over 10years ago, Florence worked with multinationals in different Countries and was intrigued by how these businesses span decades because of the types of structures they have. This inspired her to implement effective structures in her own business.

Empowering and training individuals and businesses to attain their full potential has always been her passion. Through one of her training platforms (Bridging Employability Gaps) which she started 3 years ago, she has trained over 100 men and women in identifying their business areas as well as effective business structures for some businesses. She has been featured by BBC Africa online and other TV stations like AIT and BBC Radio.

Her quest for knowledge in the business world has led to the following accomplishments: A Fellow of the Institute of Management Consultants, MBA from University of Leicester UK and PhD (Business) candidate with the Robert Gordon University, UK. She is also a recent nominee for an Honorary Doctorate Degree by the London Graduate School based on her contribution in the business sector.

She created this checklist to help businesses set up effective structures for growth because having the right structure has helped her run her business in Nigeria for 9 years successfully whilst living in the United Kingdom. Florence is keen to see businesses in Africa begin to build legacies and grow formidable companies, hence her Free gift.